email chbplan

email chbplan

sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2013


With the growth of the population and proportionaly of people with disabilities becomes necessary to develop tools and methods to bring up education and knowledge to that quota. Distance Learning (DL), which today finds support in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), expands opportunities and access to education through Learning Management System (LMS). In these environments it is possible to have access to course content, communicate with classmates and teachers and conduct knowledge assessments. The LMSs mediate its contents with humans through Human Computer Interfaces (HCI) and simulate the human thought using metaphors. Such metaphors can create barriers to understanding the content, not motivating users. The objective of this research is to identify methods for evaluating HCI with emotions and test with the end users of the system. The methods used to achieve this goal consisted of a Systematic Review of Literature to define concepts involving the research, the use of the framework DECIDE to plan the use of the tool in Emocard with final users. The LMS WebGD accessible was developed for teach Descriptive Geometry. The research allowed to evaluate the HCI from the LMS WebGD accessible along with deaf and hearing people. The environment was positively valenced, identifying barriers of accessibility as the colors and design. This research has as parameter the project entitled "Inclusive Education: Environment with Web Accessible Learning Objects for Graphic Representation", which receives support from CAPES (Edict 01/2009/CAPES/PROESP) and CNPq.
Key-words: Accessibility, Deaf People, Human Computer Interface, Usability with Emotions

Dissertation - BERG, Carlos Henrique. AVALIAÇÃO DE AMBIENTES VIRTUAIS DE ENSINO APRENDIZAGEM ACESSÍVEIS ATRAVÉS DE TESTES DE USABILIDADE COM EMOÇÕES. 2013. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestre) - Curso de Mídia e Educação, Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2013. Cap. 5.

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